+31 6 46 237 491
Allard Ringnalda was educated at the University of Utrecht from which he graduated cum laude in 2010 specializing in intellectual property law and criminal law.
Allard’s practice encompasses a broad range of IP matters. He counsels and represents his clients in litigation and non-contentious matters regarding the international and national protection of trade marks, product design, copyright in on- and offline content, know-how and technology.
A focal point within Allard’s practice is the protection and exploitation of copyrighted content in the online environment. In the course of his work as an attorney as well as his academic work Allard has gained a deep understanding of all relevant legal aspects of the digital online environment, particularly the application of copyright law, privacy law, database law and e-commerce law.
A special niche within Allard’s practice is the combatting of the trade in counterfeit goods and other forms of piracy. In addition to Allard’s experience in the field of the enforcement of IP rights through the civil courts and through customs regulations, Allard’s detailed knowledge regarding the intersection of criminal law and intellectual property law contributes to effective and efficient solutions in this area.
Allard worked as a researcher at the Center for Intellectual Property Law (CIER), as a member of the editorial board of the authoritative law review Ars Aequi, and as a PhD fellow at the department of legal theory of the University of Utrecht.
Allard is the author of numerous scholarly publications in the field of copyright law and database protection and was awarded a PhD in 2015 for his thesis on the role of legal culture and tradition in legal development and reform. Allard is an accomplished and experienced lecturer and public speaker who is much in demand at various national and international conferences in his fields.
Terugblik ongeoorloofde mededinging 2018, B. Duivenvoorde & A. Ringnalda, BIE 2018/3
Terugblik ongeoorloofde mededinging 2017, B. Duivenvoorde & A. Ringnalda, BIE 2017/3
All change ahead for EU trademarks, Allard Ringnalda, World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR), 2015
Issues of Convergence, Allard Ringnalda, PhD dissertation Utrecht University, 2015
Procedural Tradition and the Convergence of Criminal Procedure: The Case of the Investigation and Disclosure of Evidence in Scotland, A. Ringnalda, 62(4) [2014] American Journal of Comparative Law 1133
Convergentie en weerstand in het Schotse strafproces, Allard Ringnalda, in: Constantijn Kelk, Frans Koenraadt & Dina Siegel (red.), Veelzijdige Gedachten (Liber Amicorum prof. dr. C.H. Brants), Den Haag: Boom juridische uitgevers 2013, p. 341-350
The Prosecution of Bias Crime in the Netherlands and the Problem of Net-Widening: Fundamental Limits to Criminal Liability, A. Ringnalda & R. Kool, 58(1) [2012] Crime, Law and Social Change, p. 53-74
De Downloadboete, A. Ringnalda, Ars Aequi 2012 (jrg. 61, nr. 10), p. 700-702
Co-Reach in IPR in New Media Workshop: CLSR co-hosts policy meeting on ISP Liability, Sylvia Kierkegaard, Till Kreuzer & Allard Ringnalda, Computer Law and Security Review 2011, p. 213-219
Juridische haken en ogen bij het delen van data, Allard Ringnalda, Informatie Professional 2011/03, p. 32-33
Orphan Works, Mass Rights Clearance and Online Libraries: The Flaws of the Draft Orphan Works Directive and Extended Collective Licensing as a Solution, A. Ringnalda, Medien und Recht International (MR-Int) 2011, vol. 8-1, p. 3-11
Zwaarder straffen bij discriminatoir geweld is geen goed idee, A. Ringnalda, C. Grijsen & R.S.B. Kool, NJB 2011/29, p. 1963-1965
De voorgestelde Richtlijn verweesde werken: Op naar een Europese internetbibliotheek?, A. Ringnalda, IER 2011 (6), p. 387-393
Issues of Convergence: Inquisitorial Prosecution in England and Wales?, C.H. Brants & A. Ringnalda, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers 2011 (Preadvies Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtsvergelijking)
The Legal Status of Research Data, M. de Cock Buning, B. van Dinther, C.G. Jepessen-de Boer & A. Ringnalda, Amsterdam: Otto Cramwinckel 2011 (202 pp.)
Onderzoeksdata in Publiek-Private Projecten: Juridische Aspecten, rapport in opdracht van Surf Foundation, R.W. de Bruin, M. de Cock Buning & A. Ringnalda, NWO en STW, 2011
Inquisitorial or Adversarial? The Role of the Scottish Prosecutor and Special Defences, A. Ringnalda, 6 [2010] Utrecht Law Review (1), p. 119-140
Maatregelen tegen auteursrechtinbreuk door P2P-filesharing: wat leert het Umfeld ons?, M. de Cock Buning & A. Ringnalda, AMI 2010 (1), p. 1-11
Digitalisering, online bibliotheken en verweesde werken: een overzicht van de problematiek en mogelijke oplossingen, Allard Ringnalda, in: Lucky Belder e.a. (red.), Documentatie van Cultureel Erfgoed in juridisch perspectief, deLex 2010, p. 47-74
National and international dimensions of copyright law in the Internet age. Harmonising exemptions: the case of orphan works, A. Ringnalda, European Review of Private Law 2009, p. 895-923
Digitale ontsluiting van historische archieven en verweesde werken, M.H. Elferink & A. Ringnalda, DeLex 2009 (162 pp.)
Auteursrechtinbreuk door P2P Filesharing: regelgeving in Frankrijk, Engeland en Duitsland nader onderzocht, A. Ringnalda, M. Elferink & M. de Cock Buning, Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie 2009
De Juridische Status van ruwe data; een wegwijzer voor de onderzoekspraktijk, M. de Cock Buning, A. Ringnalda & T. van der Linden-Smith, Utrecht: SURF 2009 - In vertaling verschenen als The legal status of raw data: a guide for research practice, Utrecht: SURF 2009
Strafbare Discriminatie, Chrisje Brants, Renée Kool & Allard Ringnalda, Boom Juridische Uitgevers, 2008